Improvisation is a Conversation of Possibilities
We all use routines and “safe” behavior to get through the day. These little acts form armor which is difficult to take off. Improvisation gives you tools to strip this stuff away.

Improvisation Can Be Learned
Approach improvisation as a skill and one you can learn. Each technique is an important puzzle piece of the new you.

Kay LaVergne Jaz Teaches Improvisation
Kay coaches film actors, stage actors, writers, directors, and professional people how to be present and authentic. Sure there is more, but they are flavors of frosting on the cupcake that is you.
Improvisation is Fun
Yes fun! And challenging! And scary! And life-changing!

Improvisation Builds Connections - Between You and Everything Else

Live Die Repeat
Improvisation is experiential and my teaching is based on a deep body of knowledge and diverse study both on stage and off. Get over it!

You are enough
The odd place you feel yourself to be in might be remarkable to see. Yes the right now you.

Yet it is not about you
You spend all this time learning “You are enough.” And the next lesson is: “It is not about you.” Wha? Come find out!