JUNE 27th 2016
“What is essential is invisible to the eye.” – The Little Prince

Monday: Improvisational Scene Work.

to pay particular attention

What’s in it for you?

  • More present
  • More fluid
  • More joyful
  • More committed

That’s what happens when you’re focused on the process and not the end result…and you’re more watchable.
RSVP here to let me know you want a space on JUNE 27th!

And there will be songs, sung or unsung. But the words will be there. Somewhere.
I believe in you.

“I don’t worry about the last shot or the next shot. I concentrate. Every shot gets a clean slate. And when a shot is over, I wipe it out absolutely. Tell a joke or something. If you worry about how you looked, how well you did, you’ll go insane.” ~  Michael Caine

Where: Phinney Sandbox
6701 Greenwood Ave N.
Seattle, WA 98103
Across from Red Mill Burgers
Date & Time: 
Monday June 27th
7 – 10 pm
$20 cash or check
Class Size: 
up to 12 max
Free street

NO CLASS JULY 4th…fire in the sky
NO CLASS JULY 11th…a dog and a soldier show…

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