March Where Senses Fire

March Where Senses Fire

A MARCH 6th MOMENTUM MONDAY • Momentum: the strength or force that something has when it is moving IMPROVISATIONAL SCENE WORK I want in March 6th! WHY? Because magical stuff happens in MARCH when YOU are involved with all your senses firing: What do you SEE? Take it...


SECOND NATURE (Official Movie Trailer) from Cross Films Studios on Vimeo. 2016/2017. Political upheaval like we’ve never seen before. As I’ve said before I love me a good indie film! SECOND NATURE is that and more. Co-written and directed by Michael Cross it presents...
Z is for ZigZag

Z is for ZigZag

MONDAY FEBRUARY 27th • Seattle Improvisational Scene Work • ZIGZAG: a line or course having abrupt alternate right and left turns • Characters, scenes, story that: Zig and zag Shake up the status quo Color outside the lines • I want in on FEB 27th • Scene work...
Y is for Yield

Y is for Yield

MONDAY FEBRUARY 20TH • Seattle Improvisational Scene Work • YIELD: give in to, give way to, agree to, consent to, go along with, allow, surrender, give up the struggle… • We’re talkin’ moments here. Moment to moment to moment. Present to the presence...


MONDAY FEBRUARY 6TH • Seattle Improvisational Scene Work • X FACTOR: a variable in a given situation that could have the most significant impact on the outcome. What makes you, YOU? Makes you unique? Do you bring all of you to whatever role you take on? It takes more...