NOVEMBER 14th 2016 • Monday: Improvisational Scene Work •
What do YOU do to get what you want? Eyeballs and earballs on the my scene partner keep me focused and inform me. Is what you’re doing not scoring? Then change it up.
RSVP here to let me know you want a space on NOV 14th!
a thing aimed at or sought; a goal
What do THEY do that makes you feel different? Act on that.
We’ll fly through tactics. Every scene brings new discoveries.
As the story unfolds, you’ll find out what you want, moment to moment. And you will surprise yourself.
Exercise and Scene work
It’s all about the DO-ING
Discover actions that you LOVE to play
Doing with Gibberish
I believe in you.
You can do this.
Writing? Cast in a role? Bring what you are working on.