

MONDAY FEBRUARY 6TH • Seattle Improvisational Scene Work • X FACTOR: a variable in a given situation that could have the most significant impact on the outcome. What makes you, YOU? Makes you unique? Do you bring all of you to whatever role you take on? It takes more...
2017! Transformation

2017! Transformation

JANUARY 9TH  MONDAY IMPROVISATIONAL ACTING WORKSHOPS RESUME • Transformation: the act or process of changing •   RSVP here to let me know you want a space on JAN 9th! As you exchange communications with your scene partner(s) with your physicality and words, you want...
S is for Silence

S is for Silence

DECEMBER 12th Monday: Improvisational Scene Work • SILENCE : absence of sound or noise :  stillness •   Is it hard to not fill the space with rushed words?   Does being still make you nervous?   What happens when you react before you speak?   I Want In When you are...
P is for Puzzle

P is for Puzzle

NOVEMBER 21st 2016 • Monday Improvisational Scene Work PUZZLE: “Anything that arouses curiosity or perplexes because it is unexplained, inexplicable, or secret” RSVP here to let me know you want a space on NOV 21st! Pieces to the story puzzle get put...
N is for Naked

N is for Naked

OCTOBER 24th 2016  Monday: Improvisational Scene Work. NAKED: devoid of concealment or disguise RSVP here to let me know you want a space on Oct 24th! We will push the envelope. Shorter scenes with characters that morf into longer scenes. We’ll help you find and...