K is for Kaleidoscope

K is for Kaleidoscope

Oct 3rd 2016  Monday: Improvisational Scene Work. RSVP here to let me know you want a space on Oct 3rd! KALEIDOSCOPE: A constantly changing pattern or sequence of objects or elements. That’s what a great scene is. It’s our job as actors to bring that to...
I’m gone. In search of wisdom.

I’m gone. In search of wisdom.

SABBATICAL. Wake Up Your Work(shops) will resume September 12th Until then you may see me in a boat Playing with a goat… Dancing in the rain. In the dark. Or on a train. Reading in a car. Writing in a tree. So many lovelies and places to see! I’ll stay...
E is for Environment

E is for Environment

JUNE 20th 2016 Mondays in June: improvisational scene work. “Whenever you walk onto a set, be sensitive to objects that catch your eye in a special way, for you may find physical business or spontaneous emotional reactions that you can use immediately on the day...
Land Ho!

Land Ho!

I love me a good indie film, especially when I know one of the stars. And then it got picked up by Sony at Sundance. This Friday I’m going to it. Here. Soon it will be there… Come join me! At Seattle’s Guild 45th Theatre at 7:20pm… Oh, snap,...