W is for Whimsical

W is for Whimsical

JANUARY 30th Monday Improvisational Acting Workshop • Seattle • I want in! WHIMSICAL: playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way synonyms: mischievous, waggish, quizzical, curious, droll, fantastical, Seussian; eccentric, quirky,...
Diverse Vision = Better Voice

Diverse Vision = Better Voice

JANUARY 23rd • Monday Improvisational Acting • Seattle VISION: the ability to see VOICE: a particular opinion or attitude expressed Count me in! SEE with eyes wide open, not tunnel vision Notice the glance, the eyebrow, the subtle differences moment to moment. Stay...
U is for the Unknown

U is for the Unknown

JANUARY 16th • Monday: Improvisational Acting • Seattle UNKNOWN: that which is unexplained, unexplored, new… RSVP here to let me know you want a space on JAN 16th! Let’s be artists that have: Eyes that see with brave curiosity Ears that hear more than just...
S is for Silence

S is for Silence

DECEMBER 12th Monday: Improvisational Scene Work • SILENCE : absence of sound or noise :  stillness •   Is it hard to not fill the space with rushed words?   Does being still make you nervous?   What happens when you react before you speak?   I Want In When you are...
R is for Reveal

R is for Reveal

DECEMBER 5th • Monday Improvisational Scene Work • To REVEAL: Cause or allow (something) to be seen What are you holding back in your work? What do you want to tackle? Think you are too old, too young, too “not something” ? What’s the difference...