At The Ready

At The Ready

• Monday NOV 12th • Fully Engaged • Improvised Scene Work “It’s being so aware of the other person that, even if you have your back to them, you’re observing them. It’s letting everything about them affect you; not just their words, but also their tone of voice,...
Make Fear Disappear

Make Fear Disappear

Leave Safe and Polite Behind • Monday OCT 1st • With Improvised Scene Work “Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What’s important is the action. You don’t have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow.” ~ Carrie Fisher ~ In this workshop...
The Sounds of Silence

The Sounds of Silence

What They Hear Is What You Do • Monday SEPT 24th • With Improvised Scenes “I have to give up responsibility for making the improvisation happen. And that is a very hard thing to do.” ~ Ruth Zaporah In this workshop we will work with getting what you want...
Character Flexing

Character Flexing

Letting Your Role Play You • Monday SEPT 17th • With Improvised Scenes “I try to research or make up for myself what happened in any character’s life. From when he was born until the first page of the script. I fill in the blanks.” ~ Viggo Mortensen I want in MON SEPT...