Vincent Van Gough’s Aha Moment

Vincent Van Gough’s Aha Moment

“I’ve just kept on ceaselessly painting in order to learn painting.”—Vincent van Gogh, Nuenen, on or about November 17, 1885, to Theo van Gogh I stand in front of my Father-in-Law’s ceiling high bookcases filled with hard back novels, biographies, and everything...
Land Ho!

Land Ho!

I love me a good indie film, especially when I know one of the stars. And then it got picked up by Sony at Sundance. This Friday I’m going to it. Here. Soon it will be there… Come join me! At Seattle’s Guild 45th Theatre at 7:20pm… Oh, snap,...
Different Drummers Now In Seattle

Different Drummers Now In Seattle

I’ve been hearing the buzz for a while about the film Different Drummers. Mostly cause Seattle-ite Lisa Coronado (friend and fellow actor) is one of the stars in it. Until today it was just nice sounding family movie about the friendship of two Spokane boys in...

Gold Balls – The Documentary Film

Get your Gold Balls going. 80 -95 year olds doing what? Yep, playing tennis for the gold ball award. This documentary film is like a fly on the wall following John, George, Bob, Ron, and Marcus follow the ball as they follow their passion. It was Kickstarter Project...