by Kay LaVergne Jaz | Jun 9, 2018 | Kay Jaz Blog
Who doesn’t love to spend a chilly February weekend with great peeps on the WA coast? Heather Pilder Olson, writer and producer, led the pack. What started out as a filmmakers prank ended up on the screen. Amy Sedgwick, a producer,writer and actor put together...
by Kay LaVergne Jaz | Oct 10, 2017 | Film, Kay Jaz Blog
So….you know, auditions, a web-series supporting role, rejections, new students, encouragements, loss, love and life in all its manifestations in-between. Always an improvisation. Writer/Director Michael Cross’ SECOND NATURE theatrical premiere was at Ark...
by Kay LaVergne Jaz | Feb 22, 2017 | Film, Kay Jaz Blog
SECOND NATURE (Official Movie Trailer) from Cross Films Studios on Vimeo. 2016/2017. Political upheaval like we’ve never seen before. As I’ve said before I love me a good indie film! SECOND NATURE is that and more. Co-written and directed by Michael Cross it presents...
by Kay LaVergne Jaz | Jan 23, 2016 | Kay Jaz Blog
COURAGE noun cour·age \ˈkər-ij\ Keeping on even when you are scared. “The study of acting consists in the main of getting out of one’s own way, and in learning to deal with uncertainty and being comfortable being uncomfortable.” – David Mamet...
by Kay LaVergne Jaz | Nov 7, 2015 | Kay Jaz Blog
The long hot summer morphed into a lovely fall. Film work kept me away in many acting adventures. An out of town summer intensive found me privileged to teach improvisational acting to a passel of ballet students who love to speak with their bodies but were shy to...