by Kay LaVergne Jaz | Oct 10, 2017 | Film, Kay Jaz Blog
So….you know, auditions, a web-series supporting role, rejections, new students, encouragements, loss, love and life in all its manifestations in-between. Always an improvisation. Writer/Director Michael Cross’ SECOND NATURE theatrical premiere was at Ark...
by Kay LaVergne Jaz | Feb 22, 2017 | Film, Kay Jaz Blog
SECOND NATURE (Official Movie Trailer) from Cross Films Studios on Vimeo. 2016/2017. Political upheaval like we’ve never seen before. As I’ve said before I love me a good indie film! SECOND NATURE is that and more. Co-written and directed by Michael Cross it presents...
by Kay LaVergne Jaz | Feb 17, 2014 | Film, Kay Jaz Blog
Even though there are plenty of wonderful animated films out there, I find I resist unless it comes highly recommended. This particular night my husband said, “Trust me.” Ta Da! You can’t go wrong with voices like these: Emma Stone – Eep...
by Kay LaVergne Jaz | Feb 5, 2014 | Film, Kay Jaz Blog
Get your Gold Balls going. 80 -95 year olds doing what? Yep, playing tennis for the gold ball award. This documentary film is like a fly on the wall following John, George, Bob, Ron, and Marcus follow the ball as they follow their passion. It was Kickstarter Project...
by Kay LaVergne Jaz | Oct 12, 2012 | Film, Kay Jaz Blog
“Wyatt is a lonely wacky inflatable tube man who pines for a better job, a better life, and a chance at finding love. One day Wyatt quits his job, and sets out to chase his dreams, and the first order of business is finding a new career. He applies for a series...