Kay's Collectables

Shiny things that catch her eye
Whoa! It’s been a while

Whoa! It’s been a while

So....you know, auditions, a web-series supporting role, rejections, new students, encouragements, loss, love and life in all its manifestations in-between. Always an improvisation. Writer/Director Michael Cross' SECOND NATURE theatrical premiere was at Ark Lodge...



SECOND NATURE (Official Movie Trailer) from Cross Films Studios on Vimeo. 2016/2017. Political upheaval like we’ve never seen before. As I’ve said before I love me a good indie film! SECOND NATURE is that and more. Co-written and directed by Michael Cross it presents...

Courage with Heart

Courage with Heart

  COURAGE noun cour·age \ˈkər-ij\ Keeping on even when you are scared. "The study of acting consists in the main of getting out of one’s own way, and in learning to deal with uncertainty and being comfortable being uncomfortable." - David Mamet A constant...

Bold, Brave and Baring My Soul

Bold, Brave and Baring My Soul

The long hot summer morphed into a lovely fall. Film work kept me away in many acting adventures. An out of town summer intensive found me privileged to teach improvisational acting to a passel of ballet students who love to speak with their bodies but were shy to...

Vincent Van Gough’s Aha Moment

Vincent Van Gough’s Aha Moment

“I’ve just kept on ceaselessly painting in order to learn painting.”—Vincent van Gogh, Nuenen, on or about November 17, 1885, to Theo van Gogh I stand in front of my Father-in-Law's ceiling high bookcases filled with hard back novels, biographies, and everything else....

Land Ho!

Land Ho!

I love me a good indie film, especially when I know one of the stars. And then it got picked up by Sony at Sundance. This Friday I'm going to it. Here. Soon it will be there... Come join me! At Seattle's Guild 45th Theatre at 7:20pm... Oh, snap, Paul will be there,...

Different Drummers Now In Seattle

Different Drummers Now In Seattle

I've been hearing the buzz for a while about the film Different Drummers. Mostly cause Seattle-ite Lisa Coronado (friend and fellow actor) is one of the stars in it. Until today it was just nice sounding family movie about the friendship of two Spokane boys in the...

The Croods – When Your Need Some Class

The Croods – When Your Need Some Class

Even though there are plenty of wonderful animated films out there, I find I resist unless it comes highly recommended. This particular night my husband said, "Trust me." Ta Da! You can't go wrong with voices like these: Emma Stone - Eep Nicolas Cage - Croog Ryan...

Gold Balls – The Documentary Film

Get your Gold Balls going. 80 -95 year olds doing what? Yep, playing tennis for the gold ball award. This documentary film is like a fly on the wall following John, George, Bob, Ron, and Marcus follow the ball as they follow their passion. It was Kickstarter Project...

Another SnowGlobed Evening ! ! !

Another SnowGlobed Evening ! ! !

Playing in Progress is delighting us again with SnowGlobed. Third year in a row... Friday, December 20th 2013 at West of Lenin Theater in Fremont. I have the priveldge of performimg with a fistful of Seattle actors. The SnowGlobed Ensemble; Shane Regan, Sharon Barto,...

Performing and Workshopping in New York

Performing and Workshopping in New York

Catching the redeye to NY. Excited to perform some of my solo show The House That Dad Built  at AND's Go Solo! evening. Thursday I dive into Artisitc New Direction's second year offering Per4mance New York -  An Improvised Theatre Intensive. Start planning for next...

LA Welcomes This is Martin Bonner

LA Welcomes This is Martin Bonner

LA Embraces Sundance's Independent Film with a NEXT WEEKEND Rotten Tomatoes is a good barometer for movies. You know there's something worth seeing when the critics give a 93%. 15 reviewers  agree you should see this film. It's worth the go. The movie? "This is Martin...

“This Is Martin Bonner” at Sundance

“This Is Martin Bonner” at Sundance

This last week was a very good week for a friend, Paul Eenhoorn. I don't remember the first time I met him...2005 or 2006. He becomes a fixture in my improvisation workshops here in Seattle. I do remember asking why he wanted to be there. "To get loose, to learn to...

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